- Career Ind Tech
Career Ind Tech is promoted by the Directors of Southern Computer and Electronics manufacturing Industrial Co-Operative Society
Ltd S(IND)M-146 and Pulikkal Educational Co-Operative Society Limited, M-659. Southern Computer and Electronics manufacturing
Industrial Co-Operative Society Ltd is Manufacturer and Assembles Solar, Electronics, Electrical and Computer Equipments since 2002.
Pulikkal Educational Co-Operative Society Limited is an educational provider since 2002.
The directors of both the Societies are well qualified, experienced and some are retirees
from Kerala Government Service. The management of careerindtech is carriedout by Board of Directors headed by Sri.Devadas Palasseri,
a retiree from Govt of Kerala Service, and the General Manager of SCEMICS Ltd.
- Introduction
Career Ind Tech doesnot provide employment directly.
It seeks the opportunities in various organizations and establishments in and out of India.
The well established and registered companies, organizations, instituitions and business establishments are looking
for qualified, experienced, sincere, hardworking and capable hands. Career Ind Tech registers the quailified experienced
capable sincere hands, supply them to the needy organizations. Actually we are introducing a variety of
Labour Supply Scheme.
Pulikkal Educational Co-operative Society Limited is a registered Co-operative Society which provides skill
development courses and general education in higher Secondary, Degree and Post Graduate level. Southern Computer
and Electronic Industrial Co-Operative Society Limited is manufactures and assemblers of computer, solar, electronic,
electrical and industrial products and Marketing. We conduct trainings, Online classes, competitive exam classes, IQ classes,
Career guidance, Educational Guidance, workshops etc. We are guiding and directing the registered unemployees
o attain opportunities in non Governmental organizations.
Career Ind Tech helps to prepare projects, project reports,
erection of machineries construction and implementation of business organizations. Career Ind Tech provides managerial
assistance to wakeup the sick units. We arrange financial assistance, loans, partnerships,
shares and other facilities for new enterprenuers and work as an agent for purchase and sale of business organizations.
The work of careerindtech is transparent. The registrations of the unemployees and the firms are free of cost.
We do our best for the eradication of
unemployment by supplying manpower to the needy organizations.
- Career Ind Tech is a place of information for employment and business opportunities
- Helps to eradicate unemployment, supplying manpower to various types of
establishments such as commercial, industrial and other organizational instituitions.
- Encourage and promote enterprenuership for the growth and development of our country.
- Develop New-gen enterprenuership and technocrats
- Guide and direct the job seekers to find good opportunities
To foster human development through career opportunities.
To provide energetic enthusiastic efficient and qualified hands to commercial, industrial,
business organizaions in India and Abroad.
To provide managerial Assistance to sick units and startups for developing business